Category: Journal

The Leadership of curiosity and intrigue

The Leadership of curiosity and intrigue

‘It’s like we’re on a movie set!’ said my daughter as we hurtled along on the tube between Oxford Circus and Waterloo in London on the way to a medical appointment. There were two other passengers, she wasn’t wrong! Leadership, not to mention just life itself, has seemed for some time to be a little […]

Moonshots, empathy and stardust

Moonshots, empathy and stardust

That rather beautiful but overused expression ’Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars,’ seems to be a mantra for today.  Some days to read the papers and talk with colleagues it seems the only way is up. It is perhaps dawning that we’re in this for the long haul.  Last night […]

How we treat each other changes everything

How we treat each other changes everything

‘Nothing exposes our true self more than how we treat each other’,  and as a client reinforced this morning, ‘and of course how we treat each other changes everything.’ As with so many things that follow a cycle in life, crises are no different and this crisis has a life cycle of its own with stages to […]

Unprecedented leadership for unprecedented times

Unprecedented leadership for unprecedented times

In a recent leadership programme, an unexpected conversation cropped up about the definition of the yin and yang symbol in light of COVID-19. The complementary (rather than opposing) forces that interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts. As many of you will be aware, the white […]

Light in the hearts of strangers

Light in the hearts of strangers

I was on a train in the Netherlands last week completely absorbed in reading Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell. I became aware of a voice from a fellow passenger, ‘fascinating but not what it might appear, that book’ said the man, he had dark brown eyes which twinkled with curiosity.  ‘I agree,’ I said, mindful of […]

Quirks and all

Quirks and all

Last week I felt very honoured to be in an aircraft hangar with not one but three private jets, I hasten to add that I wasn’t about to fly off anywhere, I was just a happy visitor during a Leadership Workshop. The edges of the wings were silver and looked like something that was more […]

Bold and courageous

Bold and courageous

Uncertainty is usually caused by unexpected events, but look at headlines over recent days and there are plenty of reasons to validate a decision to ‘batten down the hatches’, play it safe and avoid all risk (despite avoidance and doing nothing being a risk in itself).  The ‘expected ‘ event amidst political turmoil here in the UK  is causing […]

Let go the distractions to be smarter.

Let go the distractions to be smarter.

Whilst clearing away decorations, I was half way up a ladder with an armful of fairy lights and a friend looked at me slightly suspiciously, he had just asked what my New Year’s resolutions were, to which I had responded that I had none. His face was one of astonishment and what looked a little […]

Bubbles or in a bubble?

Bubbles or in a bubble?

As the old Chinese curse has it: may you live in interesting times.  Like it or not we are certainly living in interesting times at the moment. With the extraordinary political uncertainty, poverty and homelessness, the damage that humanity is inflicting upon the planet and natural systems that we live with, as well as personal difficulty […]

When the answer had to be unequivocally yes.

When the answer had to be unequivocally yes.

‘Do you trust me? Are you ready?’ Whispered a beautifully French-accented voice in my ear. To set the scene, at this point I was sitting at the open door of a Cessna Caravan at 3000m strapped to a parachute instructor ready for my first sky dive. Upon reflection, I don’t think he can have been […]

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.

Sitting in my office as I look out at a snowy scene, we’re variously trudging, finding a way through or grinding to a halt as we cope with the ‘Beast from the East’ as it has been dubbed. Resilient as the UK is, we’re not so good in extremes of weather. The joy of snow […]

Becoming more and more you…

Becoming more and more you…

I believe it was David Lynch that said ‘ the thing about meditation is; you become more and more you.’ Many of the world’s most influential people and accomplished global leaders such as Oprah Winfrey, Larry Brilliant and Lady Gaga, cite meditation as a key factor in their success.  There are several compelling Forbes studies […]