Category: The Art of Possible

Let go the distractions to be smarter.

Let go the distractions to be smarter.

Whilst clearing away decorations, I was half way up a ladder with an armful of fairy lights and a friend looked at me slightly suspiciously, he had just asked what my New Year’s resolutions were, to which I had responded that I had none. His face was one of astonishment and what looked a little […]

Bubbles or in a bubble?

Bubbles or in a bubble?

As the old Chinese curse has it: may you live in interesting times.  Like it or not we are certainly living in interesting times at the moment. With the extraordinary political uncertainty, poverty and homelessness, the damage that humanity is inflicting upon the planet and natural systems that we live with, as well as personal difficulty […]

When the answer had to be unequivocally yes.

When the answer had to be unequivocally yes.

‘Do you trust me? Are you ready?’ Whispered a beautifully French-accented voice in my ear. To set the scene, at this point I was sitting at the open door of a Cessna Caravan at 3000m strapped to a parachute instructor ready for my first sky dive. Upon reflection, I don’t think he can have been […]